We'll Shop Insurance For You

With so many insurance companies out there it’s difficult to know where to turn. We shop multiple companies for you and find what fits you best.

All in One Coverage

Everything you need to protect your business in one policy.

Easy Payment

Bundle your coverage together into one easy payment.

Full Coverage

Insure every aspect of your business with one policy at a reduced cost.

About Insurance Package Policies

These are some factors (not all) that Heritage Insurance Agents will assess in determining which of our companies fits your risk management needs. We will then shop the price to ensure the best fit within those companies.

Business Owner Policy Defined (BOP):

A Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) is a policy designed for small and midsized businesses. A BOP Insurance Policy combines business property and business liability insurance into one convenient policy. This type of policy is designed for you on your business premises only.


BOP policies combine protection from all major property and liability risks into one package. Business Owner policies are designed to fit most mercantile (retail), service, and office risks. Coverage can include:

  • Property- Coverage for your building and contents.
  • Business interruption- Coverage for the loss of income resulting from a catastrophe that disrupts the operation of the business. 
  • Liability protection- Coverage on an occurrence basis for all operations and premises owned and operated or leased by the insured.

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