Acreage Reporting 


There is always a first and always a last.  As a reminder we need all acres reported and signed no later than July 15th this coming Monday!   

We are also fast approaching the cash discount date of August 15th for hail insurance. 

Cash Hail Discounts 

The office must have ample time to key your acres in order to produce a billing or at least an estimated billing, so if you wish to take advantage of the 5% discount. All cash hail must be postmarked no later than August 15th and since many rural post offices do not post mark, I think it would be safe to have checks mailed July 12th. If you wish to pay by electronic means, you may use the links below to insure timely crediting as well. 

Replant Claims 

I hope all claims of replant have been reported to the agency. These claims are not subject to premium withholding and will be paid as soon as we have an approved schedule of insurance and all supporting documentation. Please draw on your field maps all replanted acres as well as how many acres were re-seeded. The sooner we have acres reported, we can get approved schedules and get these claims paid. 


Prevent Plant Claims 

We should have all prevent plant claims opened by now as well. These claims will offset the premium once paid. It is important to get all acres certified with FSA as well as with the agency. Once we get an approved schedule the adjuster assigned can finish the claim and get it paid as soon as possible. 

It has been a very strange and stressful planting season thus far; I am hoping for a much smoother summer and growing season. I hope that the weather reports that are sent each week are helpful in your risk management decisions. If there are any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Have a safe fourth of July! 

➡️ P.S remember to allow 2 hours for hail binding authority.