Honeybee – Direct Payments to Farmers

Talk of Direct Payments to Farmers There has been a lot of chatter and press about a bill authored by Rep Trent Kelly (R-Miss) on the House Ag Committee, the Farm act offers payment assistance to eligible farmers.  The bill is called (FARM) Farm Assistance and Revenue Mitigation) the intent is to offset financial pressure…

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Direct Payments to Farmers

Talk of Direct Payments to Farmers There has been a lot of chatter and press about a bill authored by Rep Trent Kelly (R-Miss) on the House Ag Committee, the Farm act offers payment assistance to eligible farmers. The bill is called (FARM) Farm Assistance and Revenue Mitigation) the intent is to offset financial pressure…

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Upcoming Honeybee Deadlines

January 2nd & January 30th 2025 If working with the FSA, honeybee producers are required to file an initial report of colony inventory by January 2nd of each year and report changes to inventory, including movement of colonies into or outside of the administrative county within 30 calendar days. ELAP covers damage to hives and…

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Final Harvest Prices 11/5

  On Revenue Protection polices when the harvest price is lower than the spring price you’re bushels to the acre you can grow to meet your guarantee will increase to compensate for the revenue loss. Example Soybeans 45APHX75% coverage= 33.75 Bu X $11.55 (initial price) = $389.81 guar per acre Harvested 35 bu acre X…

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